Tarih: Date
On 14 March 2019, an information meeting was held on Fulbright scholarships and application conditions. Fulbright Ankara office representative gave information about the scholarship programs, and the Head of the Department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Prof. Dr. Nilüfer Havva Voltan Acar, and Dr. Melike Ünal Gezer Fulbright shared their experiences on Fulbright scholarships.
Note: Fulbright is a prestigious scholarship program jointly conducted by the United States and Turkey. In addition to graduate and doctorate scholarships, the program also offers foreign language teaching assistance scholarships for students of the Department of English Language Teaching. Fulbright scholarships can only benefit the citizens of the Republic of Turkey.
TED University
Ziya Gökalp Caddesi No:48 06420,
Kolej Çankaya Ankara - Turkey
KEP Address: tedu@hs02.kep.tr
Phone: +90 (312) 585 0000
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